Early bird registration, scholarships, the research symposium and performers competition are now open until December 31, 2024. The winner of the composition competition has been announced.


WSF History / WSFの歴史

The World Shakuhachi Festival Texas 2025 is a celebration of everything shakuhachi–the Japanese end-blown bamboo flute. It is a quadrennial gathering of hundreds of people from around the world who come together to perform and hear performances, attend workshops, swap anecdotes, and share the history and wonder of this stunning Japanese musical tradition, both amongst themselves and with the local community and public. The first World Shakuhachi Festival was initiated by YOKOYAMA Katsuya (1934 – 2010) and was held in 1994 in Bisei, Okayama Prefecture, Japan. Subsequently the World Shakuhachi Festivals took place in Boulder, USA (1998), Tokyo, Japan (2002), New York, USA (2004), Sydney, Australia (2008), Kyoto, Japan (2012), and London (2018).


WSF Texas 2025 continues the tradition established in 1994 of gathering professional and amateur performers, scholars, and enthusiasts of the shakuhachi from around the globe for a festival in the style of an international musical congress. The festival has from its beginning been a rare opportunity in which many top shakuhachi, koto and shamisen players from diverse backgrounds, styles, and guilds get together and perform. The WSF has thus become an established event to listen to and learn from the leading players in the world.


Over the past several decades, Japanese popular culture has taken hold around the world. Today, the captivating sounds of Japanese traditional music has become a part of global consciousness. The shakuhachi and other Japanese instruments such as taiko drums have been embraced by musicians and composers from many cultures and are practiced and performed on every continent. The shakuhachi is now commonly heard in film scores, anime, and in video games. It has gained traction in classical music, jazz, and rock n’ roll. Music of the shakuhachi went interstellar when the “Golden Record” was launched on the Voyager II spacecraft in 1977, featuring a recording of the shakuhachi legend, previous National Living Treasure YAMAGUCHI Gorō (1933-1999). The current National Living Treasure NOMURA Hōzan is among the nearly 55 guest artists from around the world we have invited to attend and share their artistry.


WSF 2025 will transform the campus of Texas A&M and the cities of Bryan-College Station with the music of the shakuhachi, a magical instrument that somehow has the power to transcend national, cultural, and linguistic boundaries.


YOKOYAMA, Katsuya  横山 勝也YOKOYAMA, Katsuya  横山 勝也
Words from past WSF organizers / 過去のWSF主催者の一言

It is profoundly enjoyable to surround yourself with shakuhachi players from rank beginners to full-time masters, representing so many locales and lineages, and to immerse yourself day and night in shakuhachi music and conversation. Good musicians ALWAYS listen to and watch other musicians, and ideally to players who are better than themselves. Only at WSF events do you have the opportunity to hear so many live performances of such high quality, all at once. AND, there are workshops and lectures, too! Attending the WSF2025 is the best way to motivate yourself to become a better shakuhachi player. But the best part of WSF25 will be meeting people. Talking to others. Seeing old friends and making new ones. Spending time with people whose music you may have been listening to for years. In that sense, getting ‘better’ at playing music is only a side effect, albeit a wonderful one. Creating, enjoying, contributing to ‘Community’ is the real benefit.”

Riley Lee (Organizer, WSF2008 Sydney, Australia)

「初心者から様々な地域や流派を代表する一流の奏者まで、様々な尺八演奏者に囲まれていること、尺八の音楽や尺八に関する会話に昼夜を問わず浸ることができることは、実に楽しいものです。良き音楽家は、常に他の演奏者、できれば自分よりも優れた演奏者の演奏を聴き、観察しています。これほど質の高いライブ演奏を一度にたくさん聴くことができるのは、WSFのイベントだけです。さらに、ワークショップやレクチャーも行われます! WSF2025への参加は、より優れた尺八奏者になるためのモチベーションを最大限に高めてくれることでしょう。しかし、何といってもWSF2025の最大の魅力は、人々との出会いです。互いに会話を交わし、旧友たちに会い、新しい友人を得る。そして、長年その音楽を聴いてきた人たちと共に過ごす。その意味では、演奏技術の「上達」は、素晴らしいものではありますが、副次的なものにすぎません。「コミュニティ」を創造し、楽しみ、貢献することこそが、WSF2025への参加で得られる真の恩恵なのです。」

ライリー・リー (WSF2008主催者、シドニー、オーストラリア)

LEE, Riley  ライリー・リーLEE, Riley  ライリー・リー

"WSF 2012 was held in the most fascinating historical city Kyoto, Japan. It was a perfect fusion of traditional and modern, east and west, and young and young-at-heart. 600 players performed in four big concerts and many small concerts, and 3000 audience members gathered. Many workshops of a variety of topics inspired shakuhachi lovers’ hearts, and the beautiful exhibition of the precious antique flutes attracted people to a dreamy, ancient time.”

KURAHASHI Yōdō II (Organizer, WSF2012 Kyoto, Japan)


倉橋容堂(WSF2012 主催者、京都、日本)

KURAHASHI, Yōdō 倉橋 容堂KURAHASHI, Yōdō 倉橋 容堂

"The World Shakuhachi Festival is a very special opportunity for any shakuhachi player in the world. It is the festival where most players gather –from top players of the world to players, who just began and in between. And they are equally important. I can only recommend anyone interested in shakuhachi to join – as it is here you will find most variation and diversity of players at one place. At the WSF2018 in London, it was very important for us to invite players representing groups of shakuhachi players that can be anonymous or even hidden for many. Therefore, it was the first time we had min’yō (folk song) shakuhachi players represented from the real min’yō world. We also emphasised having several regional groups that may not be played by professional conservatory-educated players but by people who are continuing these regional traditions. We had players representing Kinpū-ryū from Hirosaki, the kansu from Myōan-ji and other groups. It is wonderful how non-competitive and friendly these WSF events are. Walking around WSFs with an open heart and ear is such a delightful experience."

Kiku Day (Organizer, WSF2018 London, UK)



DAY, Kiku  キク・デイDAY, Kiku  キク・デイ