Friends of Chamber Music BCS (Bryan/College Station) Texas World Cultural Heritage Chamber Music Composition Competition for Shakuhachi / 作曲コンクール尺八を含む室内楽新作委嘱作品募集のためのFriends of Chamber Music BCS Texas協賛

"The possibilities of this instrument alone! There is no other instrument like it in existence anywhere on this enormous earth … In the vast mountains and plains, the oceans, the universe and finally, in the endless worldliness of modern times, the absolutely solitary form of someone playing the shakuhachi is painted in sound like a scroll in my heart."

— composer Ryōhei Hirose

Originally from China, shakuhachi is a traditional Japanese bamboo flute with five fingerholes and a notched mouthpiece. In the 17th century, the Fuke sect of Zen Buddhism chose the blowing of the shakuhachi as their chief spiritual exercise; they believed you could find the world in a single tone. After this unique and powerful beginning, shakuhachi evolved into a singular and fascinating instrument. The elemental qualities which make it notoriously difficult to play also make it capable of deep expression. Rather than aiming for a homogenous, even style, shakuhachi technique developed by going deeply into the inherent qualities of the instrument and the essence of each note—with emphasis on the strength and resonance of stronger notes contrasting with the darker, quieter, mysterious timbre of the notes in between. The shakuhachi is now known and loved around the world in nearly every genre of music, freely crossing geographical and cultural borders. With this competition, we hope to add a wonderful new work to the growing repertoire of shakuhachi chamber music.

In collaboration with WSF 2025, Friends of Chamber Music BCS Texas seeks applications from emerging and mid-career artists born 1975 or later to compose a new work for shakuhachi plus 1-4 instruments, drawn from the following: koto, shamisen, string quartet, clarinet, piano, percussion, or jazz trio. Invited WSF guest artists, members of the WSF Planning Committee, and professors of composition at an institution of higher learning are not eligible to apply. The commissioned work will be premiered at the World Shakuhachi Festival 2025 at Rudder Theater, Texas A&M University in College Station, April 17-20, 2025. The winning composer, who must attend the entire festival, will receive R/T transportation to College Station, hotel (5 nights), WSF 2025 registration fee waived, and a $2,500 cash/commission award. The winner is expected to give a talk/Q&A regarding his/her music and the commissioned piece during the festival.

• Fee: $0

• Application Deadline: November 15, 2024

• Winner/recipient decided and announced: December 15, 2024

• Instrumentation of the commissioned work and performers decided: December 31, 2024

• Score/parts due: March 15, 2025

Anonymous submissions accepted worldwide via Google docs (link below). Items requested include:

• short biography of the composer (100 words or less)

• narrative, maximum 300 words: Why are you interested in composing for the shakuhachi?

• three representative scores with no markings indicating who the works were composed by

• recordings of these works (if available; MIDI accepted)

The three works submitted as part of the application process do not need to include shakuhachi, but the work commissioned for WSF 2025 must include shakuhachi and at least one more instrument (or voice).


Questions? Email




この度、WSF2025はFriends of Chamber Music BCS Texasのご支援によりWSF2025委嘱による”尺八を含む室内楽作品(新曲)”を書いて頂く若い作曲家を選ぶための作曲コンクールを開催いたします。応募者はご自身の過去の作品をまず提出しWSFTexas2025の実行委員による譜面審査の結果、それに相応しい一位受賞者1人が決まります。


• 編成:尺八と最大4つの楽器(箏、三味線、弦楽四重奏、クラリネット、ピアノ、打楽器、ジャズトリオ、声(ソプラノ)に限る)

• 演奏時間:8分以上10分未満

• 初演:WSFテキサス2025(2025年4月17日~20日)米国テキサス州A&M大学

• 作品はWSFで初演されるため、その時点で未発表である事


• 国籍:不問

• 年齢:1975年以降生まれた方



• 初演に立ち合うために居住地から米国テキサス州カレッジステーションまでの往復エコノミー航空運賃、宿泊費(ホテル5泊)は主催者が負担し、音楽祭参加のための登録料は免除される。

• 音楽祭では初演、その為のリハーサルに立ち合い、要請があればワークショップなどで自身の作品について話すこと。

• 賞金:現金2、500米ドル(作品委嘱料として)



• 作曲家の略歴: 英語100語以内、日本語の場合は200字程度

• なぜ尺八のための作品を書くことに興味を持ったか。英語300語以内、日本語の場合は600字程度。

• ご自身の代表的作品3曲のスコアー(作曲者名を書かずに)

• 三つの作品の音源(もしあれば)Midi録音可




• 応募締切:2024年11月15日(金)

• 第一位受賞者の決定及び発表:2024年12月15日(日)

• 委嘱作品の編成及び演奏者決定:2024年12月31日(火)

• 委嘱作品のスコアー、パート譜の締切:2025年3月15日(土)


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