Registration is open until March 15, 2025. Concert tickets and passes are now on sale!
Vending at the Shakuhachi Goods Shop / 売店での尺八とグッズの販売方法
WSF 2025 is also recruiting shakuhachi makers and shakuhachi goods vendors. Unlike WSFs held overseas to date, there will be no sales commission. These vendors of instruments and goods will be treated the same as general participants. Vendors will be asked to register as general participants, and will then be able to sell products during the festival without any sales commission. In order for vendors to be able to fully participate in the festival activities, the opening hours of the shop will be limited. Basically, the shop will not be open during times when workshops, concerts, etc. are being held, rather it will be open during breaks as follows:
Morning break (10:45-11:15)
Lunch break (12:30-13:30)
Afternoon break (14:45-15:15)
Pre-dinner break (16:30-17:00)
Vendors will complete registration just like general participants. WSF 2025 registration includes:
admission to 10 concerts; 3 open-mic sessions
participation in 72+ workshops;
R/T chartered coach transportation to Round Top;
three catered events, including the gala dinner in Round Top (alcoholic drinks may be purchased at a cash bar), and;
Tote bag, T-shirt, festival badge, and program
To register for WSF 2025 as a vendor, be sure to respond YES to the question on the registration form: Do you intend to sell instruments or goods as a vendor at WSF 2025? followed by a brief description of what you intend to sell.
WSF 2025は制管師とショップ売手も募集しています。現在まで海外で開催されたWSFと違って、販売手数料はかかりません。一般参加者と同じような扱い方です。制管師とショップ売手に「一般参加申し込み、登録」をして頂き、フェスティバル中に販売手数料なしで商品が発売できます。制管師と売手にもフェスティバルにご参加頂くように、ショップの営業時間を次のように決めます。基本的にワークショップや演奏会等が行われる時間枠にショップは開店しません。開店時間は:
午前の休憩 (10:45-11:15)
昼食時間 (12:30-13:30)
午後の休憩 (14:45-15:15)
夕食前 (16:30-17:00)
制管師と売手は一般参加者と同じく参加申込手続きを済ますと、「WSF2025 参加申し込み」に含まれるものは以下の通りです:
WSF 2025 に制管師かショップ売手として申し込みをするには、申し込みフォームの「WSF2025にて、商品(楽器・グッズ等)を売手として売店ブースで販売しますか。」という質問に対して必ず「はい」と回答ください。その後、具体的に何を売るかを手短にご記入ください。