Invited Guests: Performers, Teachers, Lecturers, and Composers

招待ゲスト - 演奏家、教師、講師、作曲家

FUJIMOTO, Akiko 藤本・昭子

Wrong text on other site it seems...... suggest pinch from

Wrong text on other site it seems...... suggest pinch from

FUJIMOTO, Akiko  藤本 昭子
FUJIMOTO, Akiko  藤本 昭子
FUJIWARA, Dōzan 藤原・道山

FUJIWARA Dozan began playing the shakuhachi at the age of 10, studying under Living National Treasure YAMAMOTO Hozan. He completed graduate studies in music at Tokyo University of the Arts and has performed at the Imperial Palace. He has received many awards including the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's Art Encouragement Prize in 2020 and the "Best Arrangement Prize" at the Golden Music Awards in Taiwan. His repertoire ranges from classical to contemporary works. He regularly gives concerts of classical music and has a repertoire of over 80 traditional pieces. To date, he has released more than 100 CDs and videos. He is actively involved in music management, event production, collaboration with orchestras around the world, duos with piano and marimba, a trio with piano and cello "Kobudo", a shakuhachi ensemble "Fuga Chikuin", stage music, media appearances, and other activities. Active in promoting and educating future generations of musicians, he writes textbooks and performs for elementary and junior high school students.

十歳より尺八を始める。人間国宝 初代山本邦山に師事。東京藝術大学卒業、大学院音楽研究科修了。皇居内桃華楽堂にて御前演奏。令和二年度 芸術選奨文部科学大臣賞、台湾・金曲奨「最優秀編曲賞」ほか受賞多数。古典から現代作品まで幅広いレパートリーを持つ。古典の演奏会を定期的に行い、現在まで80曲以上の伝承曲を演奏。CD、映像作品等100作品以上を発表。音楽監修、イベント制作、世界各国のオーケストラとの共演、ピアノとのデュオ、マリンバとのデュオ、ピアノ・チェロとのトリオ「KOBUDO-古武道-」、尺八アンサンブル「風雅竹韻」などの活動、舞台音楽、メディア出演など精力的な活動を展開。小学及び中学音楽教科書 (教育芸術社)の執筆及び出演、後進の育成など普及・教育活動にも力を注ぐ。 公式ホームページ

FUJIWARA, Dōzan  藤原 道山
FUJIWARA, Dōzan  藤原 道山
FURUYA, Teruo 古谷・輝夫

FURUYA Teruo started learning the shakuhachi at Tokyo Gakugei University. In 1969 he became a student of YOKOYAMA Katsuya (1934–2010). He studied with him for 41 years.

After graduating in 1971 from Tokyo Gakugei University and the NHK Traditional Music Conservatory, he passed the prestigious NHK Traditional Japanese Music Audition. A few years later, he started playing shakuhachi in public and from 1980 onwards giving his own solo recitals. He toured overseas extensively with YOKOYAMA Katsuya as a soloist, and also as a shakuhachi performer with the drumming ensemble ‘Ondeko-za’. FURUYA performs regularly in Japan as well as abroad, e.g. France, Belgium, Morocco, Thailand, USA and Australia. Since the 1990s, he has been integrally involved in the World Shakuhachi Festivals, as an organizer and also as a teacher and performer. Additionally he was invited by the European Shakuhachi Society to their Summer School in France 2007 and Germany 2014 as one of the principal instructors and performers. He also regularly visits Paris to give workshops and master-classes. Currently FURUYA Teruo is a director of Ranposha Chikushinkai and is the head teacher of the Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshūkan. (International Shakuhachi Training Center) founded by YOKOYAMA Katsuya in 1988. He also teaches at the NHK Traditional Music Conservatory and the Tokyo Gakugei University and takes a leading advisory role in matters concerning Japanese traditional music with NHK.

He has contributed to numerous CD recordings and radio broadcasts and has also composed for the shakuhachi. Most recently he recorded three honkyoku solo CDs (2013- 2015), ‘Fudo’ a shakuhachi trio with KAKIZAKAI Kaoru and MATAMA Kazushi (2013) and ‘Modan – Teruo Furuya meets Keisuke Doi Vol.1’ (2014) and ‘Vol. 2’ (2016) a further collaboration with the composer Keisuke DOI. FURUYA also appears on numerous CD and DVD recordings with YOKOYAMA Katsuya.



FURUYA, Teruo 古屋 輝夫
FURUYA, Teruo 古屋 輝夫
KAKIZAKAI, Kaoru 柿堺・香

KAKIZAKAI Kaoru studied shakuhachi firstly under SAITO Seido and then from 1982 onwards under the late YOKOYAMA Katsuya. He has won the Japanese Hōgaku Music Nationwide Contest in the shakuhachi division. He passed the 3rd Victor Audition for Japanese Music. KAKIZAKAI has performed at the first World Shakuhachi Festival in Bisei, Japan in 1994 and since then in 1998 in Boulder, USA; Tokyo 2002; New York 2004; Sydney, Australia 2008 and Kyoto 2012.

KAKIZAKAI has performed TAKEMITSU Toru’s ‘November Steps’ with NHK Symphony Orchestra conducted by Charles DUYOIT and also under the direction of IWAKI Hiroyuki; HONNA Tesuji; TAKAHASHI Naoshi and with orchestras such as Saint Petersburg Philharmonics, Erzgebirgsensembles Philharmonic Orchestra and Orchestra Nipponica. He performs and teaches in the USA, Europe, Australia, Taiwan and China. KAKIZAKAI has released the CDs ‘Koten Honkyoku’, ‘Koten Honkyoku 2’, ‘Koten Honkyoku 3’, ‘Solo Pieces by FUKUDA Rando’.

He is currently a lecturer at the Tokyo College of Music and an instructor at the NHK Culture Centre, and is one of the principal instructors and administrators of the Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshūkan of which he is the Chichibu head.

1982年斎藤静童(安之助)師の勧めによって横山勝也師に師事。 第三回長谷検校記念全国邦楽コンクール優秀賞受賞 1994年第一回国際尺八音楽祭に出演をはじめ98年ボウルダー、02年東京、04年ニューヨーク、08年シドニー、12年京都、18年ロンドンなどで行われた国際尺八フェスティバルに出演。 シャルルデュトワ指揮NHK交響楽団と武満徹作曲「ノヴェンバーステップス」共演。その後も岩城宏之、本名徹次、高橋直史、広上淳一、Long Yuなどの指揮や、京都市交響楽団、上海交響楽団などとノヴェンバーステップス共演。武満徹作曲 「秋(Autumn)」 をWDRシンフォニーオーケストラと共演。また日本、フランスでマリア ジョアン ピリスのピアノコンサートに出演。 アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、オーストラリア、台湾、中国などでコンサート、講習会多数。 発売CD「古典尺八」「古典尺八2」「古典尺八3」「福田蘭童独奏曲」

KAKIZAKAI, Kaoru  柿堺 香
KAKIZAKAI, Kaoru  柿堺 香
KANEKO, Sumie 金子・純恵

Sumie (Sumi-é) Kaneko is a worldwide and versatile koto and shamisen player, also a vocal artist and songwriter. Tokyo Geijutsu University in Yamada school koto major in 2000, and Berklee College of Music in jazz vocal major in 2006. A winner of the Takasaki International Competition in Koto performance in 1998. She is renowned for her ability to collaborate with a diverse range of artists including Pulitzer Winner Paula Vogel, and in 2021, she performed shamisen solo for American Ballet Theatre’s season opening. Performance credits: Carnegie Hall, Blue Note NY, TED talk, Google, Getty Center, Hollywood Bowl, Stanford University, the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University, Rhode Island School of Design, Aoyama Gakuin University and more. International tour credits: opening of the Magyar Zene Háza in Budapest and concerts in over 20 countries sponsored by the Embassy of Japan and Japan Foundation. Her passion is always towards original compositions. The second album Dead of the Night has been well received for her unique and exquisite sounds.

山田流箏曲・三絃奏者 ボーカリスト、ソングライター。山田流箏曲を宮下伸、井口法能に師事。東京芸術大学邦楽科卒業。アカンサス賞、常栄賞受賞。その後ボストンバークリー音楽院パフォーマンス科ジャズボーカル専攻卒業。即興演奏も得意とする幅広いスタイルで、異ジャンルとの共演や自身のプロジェクト作品も制作している。2021年にはアメリカンバレエシアターのシーズンオープン公演として独奏。これまでにカーネギーホール、ブルーノートNY、グーグル社、ヒューストン美術館、全米学術講演会TED各種公演の他、ハーバード大学、プリンストン大学、マサチューセッツ工科大学、青山学院大学他でも講演を行う。海外公演歴:20都市以上。国際交流基金NYの南米派遣アーティスト。また在南アジア・在ヨーロッパ各国日本大使館の招聘による公演が多数。

KANEKO, Sumie  金子 純恵
KANEKO, Sumie  金子 純恵
KANEKO, Tomoe 金子・朋沐枝

Tomoe Kaneko graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Department of Japanese Music. She studied the Kinko School style of shakuhachi under the late Living National Treasure Goro Yamaguchi. Tomoe is the first woman to complete a masters degree in shakuhachi. Tomoe has a free spirit and a keen sensitivity to sound, and she continues to instill a new breath in the shakuhachi world while respecting the age-old tradition of this classical Japanese instrument. Tomoe performs overseas on a regular basis, and has toured several countries, including Sweden, Turkey, Ireland, Finland, Australia, Vietnam, South Korea, and China, In Japan, she has performed as a guest artist for directors Haruhiko Miyajima and the late Giho Sugiyama, collaborated with NHK, Yomiuri CX TV "Traditional Arts NOW" and many other TV / radio shows, including the Asahi Shimbun "Folk Music Journey", and the Yomiuri Shimbun "Japanese Music Now". She is involved in several recital competitions and regularly gives interviews for newspapers and magazines. She also released several albums in Japan. Since 2008, she has expanded her activities beyond the Japanese music field and has been actively participating in collaborations with artists from different cultures and genres, including Arabic and Western styles.

東京芸術大学音楽学部邦楽科卒業(専攻 琴古流尺八)。東京芸術大学大学院音楽研究科修了(尺八専攻では初の女性修了者)。在学中に人間国宝山口五郎師、徳丸十盟師に師事 NHK邦楽オーディション合格 。現在コンサート、イベント、リサイタル助演の活動の他、テレビ、ラジオなど メディアにも多数出演。またスウェーデン・トルコ・アイルランド・フィンラ ンド・オーストラリア・ベトナム・韓国・中国etc.海外でも数多くの演奏活動 を行い、また世界遺産・闘鶏神社創建1600年祭にて奉納演奏を行い、女流尺八奏者として第一線で活躍中。 2023年、文化芸術活動において、相模原市市政功労表彰を受賞。

KANEKO, Tomoe  金子 朋沐枝
KANEKO, Tomoe  金子 朋沐枝
KIMURA, (Reikanō) Yōko 木村・(伶香能)

Yoko Reikano Kimura is a US-Japan based Yamada school koto/shamisen performer and has concertized around the world, including prestigious venues such as Kabuki-za, John F. Kennedy Center, Carnegie Hall, Boston Symphony Hall and Metropolitan Museum of Art. Kimura has performed Daron Hagen’s Koto Concerto: Genji with many orchestras and string quartets including the Wintergreen Music Festival Orchestra, INTERWOVEN and New Japan Philharmonic. Kimura is a founder of Duo YUMENO, and their second album, Heike Quinto was released by Naxos in 2024. The duo will give the world premiere performance of Hagen’s Aviary: Concerto for Koto, Cello, and Orchestra in 2025. Her awards include the First prize at the prestigious Kenjun Memorial National Koto Competition and the Kyoto Aoyama Barocksaal Award. Kimura has studied with Kono Kameyama, Senko Yamabiko (Living National Treasure) and Akiko Nishigata. As a Japanese music specialist, Kimura recently served as a consultant for Carnegie Hall’s educational program.

山田流箏曲演奏家。古典を軸に、現代における表現を追求し世界各国で演奏。亀山香能、人間国宝・山彦千子、西潟昭子の各師に師事。第10回賢順記念全国箏曲コンクールにて賢順賞受賞。N Yタイムズ紙から「傑出した演奏と歌声」と評され、数多くの国際音楽祭、カーネギーホール、ボストンシンフォニーホール、メトロポリタン美術館等に出演。ソリストとして「箏コンチェルト:源氏」を日米のオーケストラ、カルテットと20回以上共演。2025年、「箏とチェロの為のダブルコンチェルト:鳥の園」を初演予定。玉木光とのデュオ夢乃では、和洋室内楽のフルアルバムとしてナクソスレーベル史上初となる「平家組曲」をリリース。2015年より、古典シリーズ「N Yの四季」を主催。2022年、カーネギーホール・教育部門の依頼により、日本音楽コンサルタントを担当。

KIMURA, (Reikanō) Yōko  木村 (伶香能)
KIMURA, (Reikanō) Yōko  木村 (伶香能)
KOMINATO, Akihisa 小湊・昭尚

KOMINATO Akihisa was born in 1978 in Fukushima Prefecture. As the eldest son of a family of master musicians in the Kominato min’yō folk ballad tradition, he was initiated by his parents at an early age and first appeared on stage at the age of five. In 1995 he began studying the shakuhachi under the late Yamaguchi Gorō, a living national treasure. In 2001, he graduated from the Department of Traditional Japanese Music at the Tokyo University of the Arts. Today he is a prominent performer who appears frequently on TV and radio and at concerts and events in Japan and overseas. In addition to Japanese classical music, his work encompasses a broad range of genres, including folk ballads, pop, and jazz.

4歳より民謡の舞台活動を開始。 琴古流尺八を佐々木大盟氏、故人間国宝山口五郎氏に師事。 東京芸術大学琴古流尺八専攻卒業。 2004年avexから『ZAN』でボーカル、尺八でメジャーデビュー、全米デビュー。オークラウロ奏者として2018年Victorからメジャーリリース。 スーザン・ボイル、エリック・マーティンなど国内外のメジャーアーティストのサポート、多数のアニメやゲームのレコーディングに参加。 民謡、古典、現代音楽、ポップスなどあらゆるジャンルで尺八界のパイオニアとして活躍。 NHK World 『Blends』総合プロデュー サー、2022年国際尺八コンクール審査員、JSPN会員、福島県須賀川市観光大使。所属ユニット The Shakuhachi 5、東京民謡倶楽部、ALIAKE、ZANほか。

KOMINATO, Akihisa  小湊 昭尚
KOMINATO, Akihisa  小湊 昭尚
KURODA, Reison 黒田・鈴尊

KURODA Reison studied under Living National Treasure AOKI Reibo and AOKI Shouji. He is a graduate of both Waseda University and Tokyo University of the Arts. Passed the NHK Hogaku audition. He won the first prize at the 2nd ‘Tone Hidenori Memorial Japanese Music Competition’, and has appeared on a number of CDs and on NHK television.

In Korea in 2014 he performed Park Beum Hoon’s shakuhachi concerto ‘Flow’ (流) at the Baekjke Cultural Festival. In 2015 he gave the first public performance of YAMAMOTO Kazutomo’s shakuhachi concerto ‘Roaming Liquid’. He also performed TAKEMITSU Toru’s ‘November Steps’ and premiered a number of new shakuhachi pieces including compositions by Claude LEDOUX at the International Contemporary Music Festival ARS MUSICA.

KURODA is a member of the Muromachi Ensemble, which was awarded the 13th Saji Keizo prize, and also of the Hogaku Quartet, whose first CD was specially selected to be in the ‘Noda Teruyuki Japanese Music Collection’ for ‘Record Geijutsu’ (Record Art).

令和元年度文化庁文化交流使。 人間国宝・二代青木鈴慕、三代青木鈴慕に師事。国際尺八コンクール2018inロンドン優勝。利根英法記念邦楽コンクール最優秀賞。 ブリュッセルでの国際現代音楽祭ARS MUSICAにて武満徹"November Steps"他、Claude Ledoux、Denis Levaillant、藤倉大、山本和智、Rafael Nassifなど多数の尺八協奏曲や桑原ゆう“葉落月の段“のソリストを務めるなど多くのオーケストラとの共演や新作初演、毎年の世界各国での独演会を通じ、尺八の無限の可能性を追求している。新作歌舞伎「風の谷のナウシカ」「Final Fantasy X」やCD、ラジオなどへ録音提供多数。 アンサンブル室町、邦楽四重奏団、The Shakuhachi 5、RigarohieSメンバー。

KURODA, Reison  黒田 鈴尊
KURODA, Reison  黒田 鈴尊
LAGROST, (Suizan) Jean François ラグロ・(水山)

French-born flutist Suizan J.-F. Lagrost studied concert flute in Mulhouse and Paris. Winner of several national and international competitions, he plays repertoires ranging from baroque to contemporary music, jazz and improvisation. He also studied Musicology in Sorbonne University, where he achieved a DEA in 20th century music. He began shakuhachi in 2000 with Grand Master Sōzan Kariya (Tozan style). Mitsuko Nakao, the granddaughter of the founder of the school, awarded him in 2014 the title of Dai-Shihan. He has since completed his apprenticeship by meeting masters from different schools. The diversity of his expertise results in him appearing in a variety of musical contexts; flute recitals, as a soloist with large classical ensembles as well as with the best traditional musicians on European stages and beyond. Professor of art education at the conservatories of Le Kremlin-Bicêtre and Gentilly near Paris, Suizan J.-F. Lagrost enjoys an international career in traditional, contemporary or mixed repertoires. In 2013, he released a Japanese chamber music CD entitled "Kyoku" with the koto player Mieko Miyazaki.

フランス、アルザス地方出身の音楽家。 フルートをミュールーズとパリで勉強し、イザベル・パピレール氏、ダニエル・モルリエ氏、ジュ ヌビエーブ・アマール氏、ヴィンセント・プラッツ氏、ミシェル・ルソー氏らに師事。 ガストン・クリュネル コンクールのグラン・プリ受賞、レオポルド・ベラン コンクールのプリュ ミエ・プリ受賞、モンディディエ・ヨーロッパ・コンクール、パリ市音楽コンクール等で受賞する。以来、バロック音楽、現代音楽、ジャズから即興音楽にいたるまで、幅広い分野で活躍する。楽器と並行して、パリ・ソルボンヌ大学で音楽科修士課程を修了後、マルク・バティエ氏の指導の 元で20世紀の音楽をテーマにした論文を発表、 DEA (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies) を取得す る。

2000年より狩谷箏山氏に尺八を習い始め、2014年には新都山流初代宗家、中尾都山(美都子)氏に より大師範の資格を与えられる。以来、ヨーロッパ各地で催されるマスタークラスに参加し、ヴェ ロニック・ピロン氏(国際尺八研修館)、グナー・ 儘盟 ・リンデル氏(竹盟社) にも師事する。2011 年より、ESS (European Shakuhachi Society)のメンバー数名とともに尺八国際フォーラムを設立 する (

ラグロ 水山は、演奏家としても様々な分野で活躍している。パリのフルー ト・アンサンブルのファースト・ソロとして演奏し、Musique de la Garde républicaine オーケスト ラとはソリストとして協演した。台湾へはフルートとピアノのリサイタルやマスタークラスに招待 され、他にも、バルセロナ、プラハ、イスタンブール、フライブルグ、ポワチエ、ストラスブール など、世界各地のステージに立つ。

現在、パリ近郊のクレムラン・ビセートルとアニエールのコンセルヴァトワールで、PEA (Professor of Art Education) として、フルートと尺八を教える。演奏家としても、日本の伝統音楽 から西洋クラシックまで、幅広い分野で活躍している。箏演奏家みやざきみえこと定期的に共演し、CD「極」を2013年にリリース。

LAGROST, (Suizan) Jean-François  ラグロ・(水山)
LAGROST, (Suizan) Jean-François  ラグロ・(水山)
LINDER, (Jinmei) Gunnar リンデル・(儘盟)・グンナル

Gunnar Jinmei Linder began shakuhachi in Japan in 1985, studying with Yamaguchi Gorō. He obtained an MFA degree as a soloist from Tokyo University of the Arts, and was awarded a shihan and the name Jinmei from Yamaguchi. Linder performed and taught professionally in Japan for twenty years before returning to his native Sweden. He now performs and teaches regularly throughout Europe. Linder holds a PhD in Japanology and is working as Associate Professor in Japanese Studies at Stockholm University where he is actively conducting research, for example: Notes on Kinko-ryū Shakuhachi Honkyoku (2011); Deconstructing Tradition in Japanese Music (PhD diss., 2012); Jiuta Sōkyoku Lyrics and Explanations (Christopher Yohmei Blasdel, 2024). He also teaches at the Royal College of Music in Stockholm when a shakuhachi teacher is required. Linder has also made numerous recordings. In 2016 he was awarded the Japanese Foreign Minister’s Commendation for his cultural and academic activities.

1985年にはじめて来日し、その後尺八を始める。のちに、旧 山口五郎師(人間国宝)に師事、琴古流尺八を学ぶ。1993年に日本文部科学省の奨学金を得て、東京藝術大学にて尺八専攻で研究を進め、1995年修士課程入試に合格し、1997年修士号を取得。 1998年、「ボルダー国際尺八フェスティバル」の実行委員を務める。同年、山口師に「儘盟」という竹号を与えられ、琴古流尺八師範となる。その後、日本国内外にて演奏や指導の活動を広げる。2005年、母国のスウェーデンへ帰国、スウェーデン国立ストックホルム大学に勤務。2012年には同大学日本学科にて日本学の博士号を取得。現在は同大学で准教授として日本語や日本文化を教え、また日本の伝統音楽・文化を研究する。主な研究テーマは、日本古典音楽における「型」や尺八本曲の「節」(音句また音型)の在り方の分析である。脱構築論に基づいて、地歌箏曲の歌詞の内容とコンテクストを分析する。大学勤務のかたわら、ヨーロッパ各地で尺八のワークショップを開き、またオーケストラと尺八の楽曲でソリストとして演奏するなど、尺八の演奏及び指導活動を勢力的に続ける。2006年に設立された「ヨーロッパ尺八協会」(ESS) では顧問を務めるほか、尺八の国際的フェスティバルやサマースクールの実行委員でもある。2016年(平成28年度)には、それまでの尺八および学問の活動が評価され、日本国外務大臣表彰を受賞。「外務大臣表彰は、多くの方々が国際関係の様々な分野で活躍し、我が国と諸外国との友好親善関係の増進に多大な貢献をしている中で、特に顕著な功績のあった個人および団体について、その功績を称えるとともに、その活動に対する一層の理解と支持を国民各層にお願いすることを目的としています。」1999年、琴古流尺八本曲の指南ビデオを(ブルース・ヒューバナーとの共作)、また、CD「和」シリーズとして、2000年に『絵夢』、2001年に『吟游』の2枚を発表。2011年には、CD3枚を含む琴古流尺八本曲の教本 (Notes on Kinko-ryū Shakuhachi Honkyoku)を、また2011年には博士論文 (Deconstructing Tradition in Japanese Music Historical Authenticity and Transmission of Tradition) (日本音楽における「伝統」の脱構築—尺八の研究:歴史的真正性と伝統の伝承)を出版。(博士論文はデジタル版も からダウンロード可)。現在は、地歌箏曲の歌詞研究のほか、本曲13局を含むNotes on Kinko-ryū Shakuhachi Honkyokuの2作目を制作中。

LINDER, (Jinmei) Gunnar  リンデル・(儘盟)・グンナル
LINDER, (Jinmei) Gunnar  リンデル・(儘盟)・グンナル
MATAMA, Kazushi 眞玉・和司

MATAMA Kazushi started playing shakuhachi at the age of 17 and began intensive studies of the instrument under the late YOKOYAMA Katsuya a few years later.

He also studied history at Hosei University in Tokyo as well as music at the NHK Traditional Music Conservatory from which he graduated in 1973.

His first recitals and concert tours took place in the following years and he travelled extensively with YOKOYAMA-sensei in Europe, the Americas and in Africa. He has been a key figure in the development and organization of the World Shakuhachi Festivals, starting in Bisei (Japan) in 1994 and Boulder (USA) in 1998 and has been teaching and performing regularly at the annual Australian Shakuhachi Festivals and Rocky Summer Camps.

At present, he is an instructor at the NHK Culture Centre, is a main instructor in the Kokusai Shakuhachi Kenshūkan, and is director of the Ranposha Chikushinkai and president of the Yokohama Chikushinkai.

1964 17歳より尺八を始める

1970 横山勝也師に師事し本格的に学ぶ

1972 NHK邦楽オーデション合格

1988 横山勝也師と共に南米3カ国際交流基金派遣

1991 アラブ三カ国(シリア・チュニジア・モロッコ)国際交流基金派遣

オーストラリア尺八フェスティバル・全WSF尺八フェスティバルに企画参加 ハワイ尺八フェスティバル ヨーロッパ尺八サマースクールドイツ 中国公演 台湾公演などに招待参加 現在・KSK国際尺八研修館主任講師

MATAMA, Kazushi 眞玉 和司
MATAMA, Kazushi 眞玉 和司
MIZUNO, Kohmei 水野・香盟

MIZUNO Kohei began studying with YAMAGUCHI Goro in 1968. He obtained his master’s license in 1980. IHe has been involved in stage, broadcasting, and teaching the younger generation and has been playing the shakuhachi for 56 years.


MIZUNO, Kohmei  水野 香盟
MIZUNO, Kohmei  水野 香盟
NOMURA, Hōzan 野村・峰山

Born in 1957 and currently the National Living Treasure. NOMURA Hozan studied shakuhachi under the late National Living Treasure, YAMAMOTO Hozan. In 1975, when still at high school, he won the gold medal at the first National Tozan Ryū Honkyoku Competition and after graduating from the 22nd ‘NHK Training Program in Japanese Traditional Music’ he decided to become a shakuhachi performer.

NOMURA has performed in countless shakuhachi concerts as part of the ‘Sound of Bamboo’ series organized by the Hozan-kai and in performances with orchestras including ‘November Steps’ by TAKEMITSU Toru and the ‘Four Seasons’ by Antonio VIVALDI. He has recorded a number of CD’s including his ‘Compositions by Nomura Hozan’ series. In 1994, he won the National Arts Festival Award from the Agency for Cultural Affairs and in 2014 he received the ‘Award for Excellence’ in the Category for Recorded Music for his record ‘Nomura Hozan Shakuhachi Solo Recital’.

NOMURA has attained the rank of ‘Tozan Ryū Shakuhachi Chikurinken Daishihan’. He was an external lecturer teaching shakuhachi at the Department of Japanese Traditional Music at Tokyo University of Performing Arts between 2016 and 2017 and is presently an external lecturer at Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music.

重要無形文化財保持者(人間国宝) 1957年生まれ。10歳の頃父の手ほどきで尺八を学び初代山本邦山(人間国宝)に師事。高校3年生在学中に第1回都山流尺八本曲コンクール全国大会にて金賞受賞。NHK邦楽技能者育成会22期卒。「ノヴェンバー・ステップス」などオーケストラとの共演多数。NHKTV・FMラジオ放送に出演。CD「野村峰山作品集」「野村峰山尺八独奏会」「Hozan Quartett」「初代中尾都山~都山流尺八楽の軌跡~」など数々発刊。文化庁芸術選奨文部科学大臣賞、文化庁芸術祭レコード部門大賞はじめ多数受賞。東京藝術大学元非常勤講師。現在、愛知県立芸術大学講師、(一社)日本尺八演奏家ネットワークJSPN代表理事。(公財)都山流尺八楽会評議員、都山流参事、竹琳軒大師範、現代邦楽作曲家連盟監事、(公社)日本三曲協会会員、「竹の新撰組」音楽監督。

NOMURA, Hōzan  野村 峰山
NOMURA, Hōzan  野村 峰山
OBAMA, Akihito 小濱・明人

OBAMA Akihito studied Kinko style shakuhachi and classical honkyoku with ISHIKAWA Toshimitsu. He studied min’yō(folk music) shakuhachi with YONEYA Satoshi. A graduate of the National Broadcasting Association’s (NHK) Japanese Music Artists, OBAMA also won the New Performers Competition in Tokyo and completed a ‘Performance Pilgrimage Tour of Shikoku’s 88 Temples’ and studied in New York on an Asian Cultural Council scholarship.

OBAMA was an invited performer at both the Sydney World Shakuhachi Festival and the Washington DC Japan Festival. In addition to his solo performances centered on classical honkyoku, he performs min’yō music with ITO Takio in TAKiO, with Peruvian Lucho Quequezana’s SONIDOS VIVOS, and many other groups. He has performed in 35 different countries around the world.

OBAMA has produced 6 CDs, including one with his original compositions entitled ‘Sui (Water)’, and ‘Lotus Position’ with pianist YAMASHITA Yosuke. He is a part-time faculty member at Gakushuin University.

琴古流尺八を石川利光に、民謡尺八を米谷智に師事。尺八の源流を探るため、正倉院尺八を笹本武志に、明暗真法流と一節切を相良保之に師事。NHK邦楽技能者育成会修了。尺八新人王決定戦優勝。国立劇場主催公演等に出演。ACCの助成によりNY留学。「尺八協奏曲/アンサンブル版」(藤倉大作曲)を世界初演。ラ・フォル・ジュルネ他、多くの国際音楽祭に招待参加。海外公演は37カ国に及ぶ。古典本曲三部作『寂静光韻』、自作曲集『水』、『LOTUS POSITION with 山下洋輔 』他、計10枚のCDを発表。書籍「伝統芸能の教科書」(共著)を刊行。「LOTUS POSITION」「The Shakuhachi 5」「伊藤多喜雄 TAKiO BAND」他のグループに参加。JSPN会員。学習院大学非常勤講師。

OBAMA, Akihito  小濱 明人
OBAMA, Akihito  小濱 明人
RICHARDSON, (Kakudo) Stan

Stan Kakudo Richardson is a shakuhachi teacher, performer and recording artist living in Dallas , Texas. He is Headmaster of Mujuan Texas, a branch of Mujuan Shakuhachi school in Kyoto. Originally from England, Kakudo has studied shakuhachi for almost 50 years. His main teachers were Ronnie Nyogetsu Seldin and Yodo Kurahashi, from whom he received his teachers license. Kakudo’s main focus is the teaching and practice of Honkyoku, or original pieces from both the Kinko School and from the lineage of Jin Yodo Most of these pieces originated in Zen tradition and so are influenced greatly by the aesthetic of meditation. Kakudo has performed and taught shakuhachi worldwide and has participated in almost every World Shakuhachi Festival since the first one In Boulder CO . He has performed with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, The Texas Wind Symphony, The Turtle Creek Chorale and at many prestigious venues including the Smithsonian in Washington. He has recorded with many artists and has also released two solo albums ‘Shakuhachi Meditation Music’, and ‘Moon on the Water’ both on the Sounds True Records. ‘Mujuan Texas’ represents a solid footprint of the shakuhachi tradition in the lone star state and is a 2nd home for great Master Yodo Kurahashi who has been visiting and teaching in Texas for over 25 years.

テキサス州ダラス在住の尺八指導者、演奏家、レコーディング・アーティスト。京都の無住庵尺八教室の分校である無住庵テキサスの代表を務める。イギリス出身で、尺八を学び始めて約50年になる。ロニー如月セルディンと倉橋容堂に師事し、師範免許を取得。世界各地で尺八の演奏と指導を行っており、コロラド州ボルダーで開催された第1回ワールド尺八フェスティバル以降、ほぼすべてのフェスティバルに参加している。ダラス交響楽団、テキサス・ウインド・シンフォニー、タートルクリーク・コラールと共演。スミソニアン博物館(ワシントン)等、著名な会場で演奏を行う。また、多くのアーティストとレコーディングを行い、2枚のソロ・アルバム「Shakuhachi Meditation Music」と「Moon on the Water」をSounds True Recordsからリリースしている。 無住庵テキサスは、ローンスター・ステートにおける尺八の確かな歴史であり、25年以上にわたってテキサスを訪れ、指導を続けてきた偉大な倉橋容堂師にとっての第二の故郷でもある。

RICHARDSON, (Kakudo) Stan  スタン・リチャードソン
RICHARDSON, (Kakudo) Stan  スタン・リチャードソン
SHIMURA, (Zenpo) Satoshi 志村・(禅保)・哲

SHIMURA Zenpo studied shakuhachi under SAKAI Chikuho and SAKAI Shodo. In addition he learned the characteristics and performance techniques of komusō shakuhachi from traditional players around the country, and has a doctorate in shakuhachi research, with a particular focus on historical instruments. SHIMURA produced and premiered many contemporary shakuhachi works from 1974 onwards and from 1992 onwards he has been concentrating on ‘Cyber Shakuhachi’, a project concerned with combining shakuhachi music with the computer.

In recent years, aside from the Zen of sound in which kami (Japanese Gods) and Zen is united, SHIMURA is devoted to playing devotional pieces at outdoor shrines and temples, and restructuring traditional Japanese culture in the school curriculum. Currently, in order to focus on the issue of the heart, he has opened a jinashi shakuhachi research group and opened a shakuhachi museum named ‘Shōfū Bunko’.

SHIMURA has published several CDs including ‘The Possibility of Jinashi-Shakuhachi, Pray for the Future’, (Collection Series 39 – Hamamatsu Museum of Musical Instruments), ‘Traditional koto music on tasuke-so with silk strings’ and ‘The Portrait of Yuji TAKAHASHI’ (avex-CLASSICS). Publications in English include ‘Techniques and spirit of making the shakuhachi: for an understanding of the two spiritual worlds in existence today’ and ‘Chamber Music for Shakuhachi’, The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, Vol. 7, as well as numerous publications about shakuhachi music in Japanese.

尺八の楽器学/音楽学的研究で学術博士号を取得(1999)。邦楽ジャーナルで3年間連載したテーマは「尺八ってなんだ?」(2020)、「 虚無僧尺八の20世紀」(2021)、「進化する尺八」(2022)。国立劇場主催で尺八について企画された公演に、地無し尺八を用いて3回出演した曲目は《通り TORI》(1998)、《偲 SINUBI》(2010)、明暗真法流《瀧落 TAKIOTOSI》(2021)。主著は『古管尺八の楽器学』出版芸術社(2002)、『事典 世界音楽の本』岩波書店(2007 共著)。創作のための研究活動としては、1992年にCyber尺八を発案し、ヴァーチャル・パフォーマ・プロジェクトに参画(イメージ情報科学研究所 Laboratories of Image Information Science and Technology)。収集した研究資料を公開/活用するため、2009年より大阪で私設の尺八博物館を運営(。

SHIMURA, (Zenpo) Satoshi  志村 (禅保) 哲
SHIMURA, (Zenpo) Satoshi  志村 (禅保) 哲
SUGAWARA, Kuniyoshi 菅原・久仁義

SUGAWARA Kuniyoshi started playing shakuhachi aged 12, learning Tozan Ryū and Kinko Ryū from YOKOYAMA Katsuya. At age 21,he won first place in the Hokkaido Sankyoku competition, and became a professional shakuhachi player after winning the All Japan Sankyoku Competition. When he was 25 he took second place in both the solo performance section and the ensemble performance section of the ‘Pan Music Contemporary Music for Traditional Instruments’ competition. SUGAWARA has performed many times on television and radio, both in Japan and overseas. He plays solo koten honkyoku and also collaborates with Sapporo Symphony Orchestra, Kanazawa Orchestra ensemble and the big band ‘New Herd’. Over the last 20 years he has released many CDs, has taught and published many books and videos which have been well received by beginners. SUGAWARA is the president of the ‘Sugawara Hōgaku Research Laboratory’ in Tokyo, Sapporo, Hamamatsu and Nagano. He is a part time lecturer at Hokkaido University, and runs the shakuhachi societies in Chuo and Hokkaido University. He is the director of the Sapporo Sankyoku Association, as well as being a member of the Kokubunji Sankyoku Association.

12歳より尺八を始め、都山流、琴古流を学び、後に横山勝也師に師事。 76年北海道三曲コンクール尺八部門1位。77年全日本三曲コンクール第1位入賞。80年パンムジーク「伝統楽器による現代演奏コンクール」にて独奏部門及び合奏部門ともに第2位入賞。現在までに自身のリサイタル、コンサートをはじめ様々なメディアや国内外にて演奏活動。CDは10タイトル以上をリリース。自著の尺八教則本は20年以上のロングセラーとなり尺八普及にも力を入れている。菅原邦楽研究室主宰。北海道大学文学部「芸術と文化」非常勤講師。日本尺八演奏家ネットワーク(JSPN)役員。

SUGAWARA, Kuniyoshi  菅原 久仁義
SUGAWARA, Kuniyoshi  菅原 久仁義
TANABE, Shōzan 田辺・頌山

TANABE Shozan was born in Okayama in 1961 and started learning shakuhachi under his father when he was a child. While at Waseda University, he continued his shakuhachi study under the Living National Treasure, the late HOZAN Yamamoto. He was awarded his Tozan School grand master license and in 1993 received the top prize in the first Nagatani Kengyo All Japan Competition for Traditional Music. He then graduated from the 27th NHK Traditional Japanese Music Training School and also passed the NHK audition. He performed for Pope John Paul II, and in Carnegie Hall, and in numerous other international venues, and has received accolades for his performances with artists from a wide range of genres both inside and outside of Japan. TANABE also contributed to the production of the middle school curriculum guidebook, ‘The Gift of Music: for Middle School Instrumental Music’, Kyoiku Shuppan publishers. He is a part-time lecturer at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music and a Tozan School Chikurinken Grand Master. He is active in a wide range of activities, including stage performances, recordings, and teaching, while respecting the originality of the shakuhachi and not being restricted by genres. He won the Grand Prize at the Hase Kenshu Memorial 1st National Traditional Japanese Music Competition (1993). He has released four CDs to date: ”Quiet Time", "Voyage", "Den3", and "Oto Kofu".

小学生の頃より父、恵山に手ほどきを受ける。初代山本邦山(人間国宝)の演奏を聞き、その音色に衝撃を受け入門。NHK邦楽技能者育成会を卒業、NHKオーディションに合格。ローマ法皇「ヨハネパウロⅡ世」謁見演奏、カーネギーホール公演をはじめ海外での演奏も多く、様々なジャンルの国内、海外の演奏家と共演し好評を博す。 中学校教科書指導書 「 中学器楽 音楽のおくりもの(教育出版)」の作成に協力。東京芸術大学非常勤講師を務める。 都山流尺八楽会竹琳軒大師範。 ステージ、レコーディング、指導活動につとめ、尺八本来の持ち味を大切にし、ジャンルにとらわれない幅広い活動を行なっている。長谷検校記念第1回全国邦楽コンクール(1993)で最優秀賞を受賞。CD「静かなる時」「Voyage」「Den3」「音古風」をリリース。

TANABE, Shōzan  田辺 頌山
TANABE, Shōzan  田辺 頌山
ZENYŌJI, Keisuke 善養寺・惠介

ZENYOJI Keisuke was initiated into komusō shakuhachi at the age of six. He graduated from Tokyo University of Fine Arts from the Department of Japanese Traditional Music. He also graduated from the Masters course at the same university. While studying at the university, ZENYOJI studied under ‘Living National Treasure’, YAMAGUCHI Goro. He performed his first solo recital in 1999, and has reached the 13th solo recital today.

ZENYOJI won the prestigious The Grand Excellence Award of the Arts Festival of the Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs in 2017. ZENYOJI published a shakuhachi practice book ‘Shakuhachi for the First Time’ (published by Ongaku no Tomo Sha). In May 2002, ZENYOJI received The Award of the Japan Traditional Culture Foundation. And in October 2002, he was invited to perform at the International Religious Conference organized by the World Bank at Canterbury Cathedral in the UK. In 2018, he received an Award from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology for Arts.

In addition to his performance activities with focus on traditional music, ZENYOJI is also active as a shakuhachi teacher across the Kanto region.

東京藝術大学邦楽科卒業、同大学院修士課程修了。同大学在学中は山口五郎師(人間国宝)に師事。2000年、尺八教則本「はじめての尺八」(音楽之友社刊)を執筆。2002年、日本伝統文化振興財団賞受賞。2006年、箏曲山田流の山登松和氏と共に古典ユニット「ZEN YAMATO」結成。2017年のリサイタルでは文化庁芸術祭大賞を受賞。2018年、芸術選奨文部科学大臣賞を受賞。2019年、胡弓の高橋翠秋氏 地歌の藤本昭子氏 義太夫三味線の鶴澤津賀寿氏と共に“古典立脚による新たな邦楽創造”ユニット「SATZ」結成。2020年、紫綬褒章を受章。古典を中心とした演奏活動のほか、関東各地にて尺八普及のための尺八教授活動を行っている。公式

ZENYŌJI, Keisuke  善養寺 惠介
ZENYŌJI, Keisuke  善養寺 惠介