Support WSF 2025 / WSF2025へのご支援のお願い

Please consider supporting WSF 2025 with a tax-deductible donation (American citizens and permanent residents only) through the Texas A&M Foundation's Intercultural Performance Fund. Donations are accepted through the Texas A&M Foundation Online Giving portal. We sincerely appreciate your generous support.

Under Additional Comments at the bottom, please input "WSF 2025." All donors will be gratefully acknowledged in the printed program unless WSF 2025 is requested otherwise by the donors.


お手続きの際、下部にある「Additional Comments」の欄に「WSF 2025」とご入力をお願いいたします。特にご要望がない限り、寄付者のお名前をプログラムに掲載し、感謝の気持ちを表させていただきます。